Invitation presse – Conférence “Cyber Diplomatie” en présence de Brad Smith, Président de Microsoft

04/11/2021 | 12:00 Invitation  

L'École des Affaires internationales de Sciences Po a le plaisir de vous inviter à la

Conférence "Cyber Diplomatie"
 en présence de Brad Smith, Président de Microsoft

Mercredi 10 novembre 2021 à 17h

(Amphithéâtre Émile Boutmy, 27, rue Saint-Guillaume, Paris 7e)

Cyber Diplomacy: Critical Challenges in Cybersecurity and Digital Sovereignty

Sciences Po's Paris School of International Affairs (PSIA) is delighted to welcome Brad Smith, President and Vice Chair of Microsoft to deliver a lecture on Critical challenges in cybersecurity and digital sovereignty. The lecture will be followed by an interactive exchange with the audience.
New technologies have given raise to conundrums that neither governments, civil society, nor industry can tackle on their own. Moreover, given the interconnected nature of our online environments, we can no longer hide from them behind our national borders. In his lecture, Mr. Smith will highlight some of the most pressing concerns we need to tackle today as a society, as well as preview how we might evolve our current models of cooperation to solve them.
This lecture kick-starts a new lecture series developed in partnership between Sciences Po and Microsoft that will take place over the course of 2022. The exchanges will seek to understand how technology and diplomacy interact in the 21st century and what that means for the traditional roles of companies and governments.
The event will take place in English and will be streamed online.

A discussion introduced by Mark Maloney, PSIA Executive Director and acting Dean, and moderated by Cornelia Woll, Professor of Political Science, Sciences Po.


La conférence se déroulera en anglais.
La présentation du pass sanitaire est obligatoire.
Les questions sont réservées aux étudiants de Sciences Po.

RSVP obligatoire en cliquant sur "Je participe"